Craniosacral Therapy |
What is Craniosacral Therapy? |
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle manual therapy for relieving pain, releasing tension, anxiety, overwhelm, physical restrictions and releasing deep emotional imprints from the nervous system. Craniosacral Therapy (CST) can improve a number of one-off health complaints and is a very beneficial therapy for any kind of trauma and chronic and persistent physical, emotional and mental health problems.
When booking a craniosacral session, please ensure your practitioner is a craniosacral Therapist, fully qualified and registered and has listed their level of education and institution of study. CST is an in-depth 3 year multi-dimensional study, with supervision, inter-vision, assessments and clinic work, plus a continuous refinement of one's skills and knowledge. Beginning with the client’s physical symptoms, we addresses the physical body stresses and any underlying blockages that may be underpinning the pain experienced. Gentle contact is made to examine the innate bodily rhythms, the movement of the bones and the surrounding soft tissues, locating restrictions, adhesion's, fascial pulls and any holding patterns in the body resulting from injury, illness, physical trauma, emotional stress or otherwise. With direct contact , no massage, any muscular contractions patterns, spasmed muscles, pain, tension, restrictions, compression's, blockages or accumulated life stresses are released, enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system, through assessing the bones, tissues and craniosacral rhythm. |
The craniosacral system, includes the bones of the face, skull, spine and sacrum as well as the fluids and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, which houses our central nervous system. All these elements pulsate in a symmetrical rhythmic motion in our body.
Accidents, illness, inflammation, accumulated life stresses, tension, trauma, surgery or poor posture can unbalance these elements and cause our connective tissue to become tight, tense and inflexible. These patterns are reflected through the craniosacral rhythm as disturbances, blockages or restrictions. These abnormalities manifest in our bones, body fluids and bodily tissues (fascia). This indicates where there are restrictions, decreased ranges of motion, misalignment's, adhesion's, pain or strains and stresses anywhere in the body. As a holistic mind-body therapy, CST focuses on the body as a whole: body, mind and spirit and recognises that all structures and functions are related. An imbalance or dysfunction in one part of the body will affect other parts of the body. (Please see my blog: More than our physical body). CST helps to strengthen to the body's natural healing processes by restoring the body's natural balance. |
Myofascial Release
CST is my core modality and I may combine Myofascial release (MFR) into my treatments, which proves to be an excellent addition for cases like whiplash, TMJ, tinnitus, chronic neck and shoulder pain. MFR focuses on the body's fascial system and incorporates gentle prolonged stretching of the body's soft tissues. As tension is released, the nervous system deeply calms and re-balances, allowing for any physical and emotional blockages to be dissolved. Craniosacral Therapy and Transformative Counselling Sometimes pain also needs to be shifted out of the mental and emotional body. Here I work with stuck patterns, old habits, discovering the roots of the condition, clearing the history, rewiring brain and nervous system. Here I incorporate mental and emotional processes, EFT (tapping) and take home exercises Very suitable for people that really want to transform and willing to do the work. click here |
I have experience with niggling discomforts and in particular with persistent and chronic conditions such as:
This therapeutic approach helps stimulate the body’s natural self-healing intelligence and restores the body’s natural tissue movements to release contractions, deep restrictions, compensation patterns and trauma, improving overall health and well-being. Osteopath and one of the founders of craniosacral therapy, John Upledger, describes it as working “with natural and unique rhythms of our different body systems to pinpoint and correct source problems.’ For more in-depth information on how cranio works - pls see my blog - The Paradigm Shift For more information on what to expect during and after a treatment please see - What to expect. Please see my Clients Testimonials on the Home page and my Google Reviews under Dorine Siccama |
Intrinsic Movement of the Spine
Intrinsic Movement of the Sacrum